Nonprofits are nearly always strapped for capital and pressed for time. Yet, despite dwindling resources and increasing stress, they must find time to improve donor contributions and raise awareness. Enter fundraising. Not only is it necessary, but it is an inherent aspect of philanthropy. Yet, regardless of the vital significance of fundraising, many charities fail […]
Profitable Takeaways from NonProfit Marketing
As the nonprofit sector claims a greater share of the economy, it is clear there are a number of remarkable things they are, put frankly, doing right—and capitalism can stand to ‘profit’ from these things. While, currently, it is more common for nonprofits to focus on top commercial businesses, they are also beginning to implement […]
Apps for Altruism
Charity is often touted in mainstream media as something reserved for billionaire celebrities. Countless stories of immense amounts donated by the likes of Bill Gates and Matt Damon populate the airwaves and in turn cultivate this idea that philanthropy is something reserved for the ultra-wealthy. Absolutely not. Charity can and should be the duty of […]
Staying Motivated: Maintaining Positivity and Passion
I recently came across this wonderful article about how to stay motivated in the charity sector. With seemingly endless piles of paper and the constant pressure of budgetary stress, it can be easy to succumb to a skeptical attitude. Yet, negativity accomplishes nothing, aside from making things harder, anyway. Check out the piece here!
How to Avoid Scandal in the Wake of Grief
In today’s day and age of internet visibility, scams are all too commonplace, even more so in regards to charities. By taking advantage of good intentions and altruistic actions, thieving organizations are able to capitalize on the misfortune and disability of others. It is for this reason that it is of the utmost significance to […]
Charity Trustees Are Getting More Involved
In light of recent philanthropic scandals and the unsavory individuals responsible for them, there is increasing pressure to ensure charities are more transparent with respect to how they make use of donations. There is a push for trustees to become more involved with the organization. Now, while I certainly agree that trustees should be more […]
Coaching Charity to Success
While the benefits of philanthropy are widely documented and well known, that does not change the fact that there are many intangible, unquantifiable benefits as well. Perhaps the most significant of these intangibles is the idea of “coaching” within the charity sector. Yet, what even is coaching? Isn’t coaching the same thing as managing? Well, […]
How do they come up with the 2015 Philanthropy 400?
At it’s core, philanthropy is about promoting the common good and improving quality of life for all. Whether it’s an individual donating time, money, or resources or a foundation or corporation approving a large grant, the goal is the same: make the world a better place. All charities have the opportunity to make a difference, big and […]
Silicon Valley Leaps Into Action
Big corporate disruptors have recently been increasing their intentions for giving to those less fortunate through a number of philanthropic mediums. One cause that is in dire need of support, and beginning to receive it from Silicon Valley is the migrant and refugee movement in the middle east. Google and Apple have both lead the […]
Charity Option: Providing Jobs
Charity is one of the most noble offerings an entity can present to someone in need. With our country, the United States being the most rich nation in history, there is plenty of charitable initiatives to help the less fortunate. But are these food stamps, checks, and temporary fixes enough to solve the problems many […]