Power to the People? Nonprofit Representation in Neighborhoods

Power to the People

Despite federal poverty programs that have been in place since the 1960’s, it often falls on the shoulders of nonprofit organizations to bolster and represent poorer neighborhoods. Several recent crises have highlighted the need for philanthropic support, with governmental officials failing to address the needs of the people, leading to other organizations to take charge. […]

Fundraise the Right Way

Fundraise the Right Way, Vincent Chhabra

Nonprofits are nearly always strapped for capital and pressed for time. Yet, despite dwindling resources and increasing stress, they must find time to improve donor contributions and raise awareness. Enter fundraising. Not only is it necessary, but it is an inherent aspect of philanthropy. Yet, regardless of the vital significance of fundraising, many charities fail […]

Apps for Altruism

Donate, Vincent Chhabra

Charity is often touted in mainstream media as something reserved for billionaire celebrities. Countless stories of immense amounts donated by the likes of Bill Gates and Matt Damon populate the airwaves and in turn cultivate this idea that philanthropy is something reserved for the ultra-wealthy. Absolutely not. Charity can and should be the duty of […]

Staying Motivated: Maintaining Positivity and Passion

I recently came across this wonderful article about how to stay motivated in the charity sector. With seemingly endless piles of paper and the constant pressure of budgetary stress, it can be easy to succumb to a skeptical attitude. Yet, negativity accomplishes nothing, aside from making things harder, anyway. Check out the piece here!

Charity Trustees Are Getting More Involved

Charity Trustees Are Getting More Involved, Vincent Chhabra

In light of recent philanthropic scandals and the unsavory individuals responsible for them, there is increasing pressure to ensure charities are more transparent with respect to how they make use of donations. There is a push for trustees to become more involved with the organization. Now, while I certainly agree that trustees should be more […]

Coaching Charity to Success

Vincent Chhabra, Coach, Charity

While the benefits of philanthropy are widely documented and well known, that does not change the fact that there are many intangible, unquantifiable benefits as well. Perhaps the most significant of these intangibles is the idea of “coaching” within the charity sector. Yet, what even is coaching? Isn’t coaching the same thing as managing? Well, […]

Top Tips For Being an Effective Philanthropist

Top Tips for Being An Effective Philanthropist by Vincent Chhabra

  At its heart, philanthropy is always about a cause, but it’s easy to lose sight of our own impact when we get too caught up in things like board meetings, your foundation’s agenda, and grantee applications. Here are several tips you can use to guarantee you stay on track and be as effective a philanthropist as you can. Remember, […]

6 Philanthropy Trends You Can Expect to See in 2016

6 Philanthropy Trends You Can Expect to See in 2016 by Vincent Chhabra

2015 was a big year for philanthropy. In fact, the U.S. saw the highest record of donations and plenty of innovations in philanthropic strategies. But 2016 could be even bigger. This year, expect to see the following trends in philanthropy. More impact investing Nowadays, impact investing is becoming a trendy topic in the field of philanthropy. Unlike traditional ways of […]

Youth Philanthropy

Charitable donations, philanthropic trends and organizations, these are terms usually associated with adult age groups. What is the most impressive part of the latest shift in cultural thinking, is how children are choosing to help others all by themselves, without guidance from an adult figurehead. Philanthropy the word has greek roots which means “for the […]

Family Business Philanthropy

After a Kennesaw State University and EY statistical study, some surprises realities have surfaced regarding a vast majority of family businesses. 81% of the largest family business in the world practice philanthropy regularly. The makeup of philanthropic focuses are almost divided 50/50 between charity giving and community service. Almost half of which have their own […]